Help Ames Chamber Artists
by becoming a contributor!
While the Ames Chamber Artists is a volunteer organization, we do have some expenses. Donations go towards music for singers, stipends for our director and accompanist, fees for guest instrumentalists, and performance hall charges. Consider helping us by becoming a contributor!
Sponsor: $500 and up - Anonymous - Patricia & Louis Banitt -Paul Hertz - Cynthia Marten & Dallas Thies
Benefactor: $250 - $499 - Larry Gleason & Valerie Williams - Tim Hoekstra - Bradley & Janice Larson - Fred Lewis - Dorothy Miller - Sheryl Monkelien - Jennifer Rodgers & Nancy Gregory - Bill & Cathy Simpkins - Dean Stickrod - Donald & Karla Tebben - Cinian Zheng-Durbin
Partner: $100 - $249 - Anonymous - Mark & Deborah Blaedel - Heather Botine - Greg & Peggy Dieter - Jamie & Melissa Dimond - Glenda Long Eggerling - Kerry & Debra Gibson - David Hoffman - Ron Jackson - Bruce & Diane Janvrin (in memory of Brice Charles Janvrin) - Steven & Leslie Kawaler - Tyler Klotz - Larry & Susan Koehrsen - David Martin & Steve Godfrey - Neil & Peggy Martin - Pat Meek - Leland & Virginia Molgaard - Miriam Patterson - Dan & Sandy Peterson - John & Barbara Pleasants - Robert & Dorothy Rust - Marcus Ryan - Philip & Barbara Schendel - Bob & Dorothy Schumer - Linda Shenk & Bill Gutowski - Stoltze Family Dentistry - Stephen & Lee Anne Wilson
Patron: $50-$99 - Amazon Smile - Janet Anderson-Hsieh -Maria Avendano - William Barry & Lisa Banitt - Shawn Blaesing - Mark & Peggy Chidister - Jolene Frette - Hanna Gradwohl - Linda Haas - Connie Hardy - Craig & Cheri Hennager - Chris & Sonia Johnson - Erwin Klaas (in memory of Janet Klaas) - Kendal Kline - Maggie LaWare & Jim Andrews (in memory of Helen Andrews) - Bruce & Barbara Martin - Network for Good - Patricia Newman - Frankie & Cal Parrott - Herman Quirmbach - Debra Saetveit (in memory of Nathan Saetveit) - David Swenson - C. K. Walter - Carl Wells
Friend: up to $49 - Anonymous - George & Jan Beran - Marianne Berhow - Alisha Bower - Mavis Butler - John & Nancy Clough - Klaire DeVos - Dave & Patricia Dimond - Bronwyn Frame & Giancarlo Moschini - Sophia Francom - Constance Moehlman - Timothy & Karen Mullaney - David Oakland - William Polzin - Pam Sibbel Music Studio (in honor of Cynthia Marten) - Zac Sjoberg - Amy & Mark Slagell - Katherine Slocum - Ruth Waite - David & Julia Wilson - Workiva, Inc.
How to Donate:
Make a check payable to
Ames Chamber Artists
Ames Chamber Artists
P.O. Box 2263
Ames, Iowa 50010
*Donations received from July 1, 2022 through December 1, 2023